What are Minimum Marks Required for Rank Holders for ICAI CA Exams 2021

CA Ranks in India 2021

Declaration of Candidate as a rank holder of CA Foundation, CA Intermediate and CA Final November 2020/January 2021 exams organised by Institute of Chartered Accountancy of India (ICAI) in 2021.

ICAI has specified criteria for issuing rank certificates that fall under the new syllabus for November 2020. There are reports about the marks needed to become a rank holder in CA Foundation, CA Intermediate and CA Final Exams 2020-21.

Many times students are also confused about the ranking procedures in these exams. Accordingly, the ICAI from time to time has tried to clarify any false reports, rumours or misconceptions arising among the students and stakeholders. Following are the procedures for declaring a CA student as a rank holder in CA Examinations.

Announcement of CA Rank holders by ICAI in CA Final November/January 2020-21 Exams.

There are the minimum set of marks required to secure a rank in CA Final exams. If you want to know the minimum marks needed to hold a rank in CA Final Exams please keep on reading-

Rank in CA Final November/January 2020-21

The Institute of Chartered Accountancy India acknowledges students in CA Final Examination based on the aggregate marks obtained by them in both the groups at all India level. Which is subject to his or her having secured a minimum of 55 per cent marks in one sitting without availing any exceptions.

Rank certificates are released till the 50th rank, on all India basis. For that reason, there is no practice of announcing any student as having scored a rank past 50 in CA Final Examination. You can check the list of topper for CA Final exams 2019 on the official website.

If you fulfil the terms and criteria given below you get a rank certificate, stating the rank secure by you in CA final course.

  1. One Sitting - You must pass the examination in a single sitting.

  2. No exemption- You must not have availed exemptions in any papers.

  3. Minimum of 55 per cent marks- You must secure a minimum of 55 per cent marks in aggregate.

Whose names are included in the CA Intermediate Merit List?

Rank in CA intermediate November/January 2020-21.

There are some criteria that a candidate needs to fulfil in order for him/her to issue a rank certificate that indicates Rank secured by him in CA Intermediate course.
  1. One Sitting - You must pass the examination in a single sitting.
  2. No exemption- You must not have availed exemptions in any papers.
  3. Minimum of 55 per cent marks- You must secure a minimum of 55 per cent marks in aggregate.

Rank certificates are released till the 50th rank, on all India basis. They are then dispatched to the concerned regional offices for further distribution to the students.

Who is to be announced as the topper in CA foundation Exam?

CA Foundation ranks November/January 2020-21. As per the new guidelines by the ICAI, there will be no ranking system for Foundation Exams from November 2020 Foundation Exams and onwards.

Rank for CA Foundation November/January 2020-21.

A candidate who scores a minimum of 60 per cent marks in aggregate in his/her CA foundation Examinations is recognized exemplary candidate up to 50th rank. 

CA Toppers for November/January 2020-21 

With effect from ICAI November/January, 2020-21 exams only CA Intermediate and CA Final merit list will be announced. There are no rank holders or merit list for CA Foundation candidates.

Following table shows you the minimum marks to be obtained for becoming a rank holder in CA Examinations.

ICAI Course 

Minimum Marks in Aggregate 

Meritorious Candidate up to

CA Foundation 


No rank from May 2020 

CA Intermediate 


50th rank

CA Finals


50th rank

The ICAI has always tried to provide accurate information and has always cleared misinformation of any news and reports. ICAI also requests its students and stakeholders to keep a note of the news and information out there and not be misguided by false advertisements or publicity, contrary to the above-mentioned position. Check - CA Final Merit Holder List
